About us

Green Aus S.p.A operates in the market of ICT services and IT consulting as System Integrator specializing in the analysis, design, implementation and management of complex information systems, and in the performance of engineering and agricultural territory services, as well as in computer security.

In 2015 the company acquired Auselda AED Group S.p.A., operating in the market since 1969, the year of its establishment, with the aim of diversifying, leveraging relevant knowledge gained in more than forty years of activity in the agricultural area, its presence in markets like that of agriculture relating to the environment and to the protection and management of the national territory, developing as well a plan for growth and diversification in the broader market of ICT services aimed primarily to the local and central Public Administration.

Through the corporate acquisition, Green Aus SpA holds (10.01%) shares in the public-private company SIN (National Information System for Agricultural Development), established in November 2015  by  AGEA (Agency for Agricultural Payments) whose target is managing and developing the SIAN (National Agricultural Information System) established by the law 194/84.

SIAN is the system for control and information services used by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, by AGEA and by other central and local public bodies operating in agriculture, forestry and agri-food (Legislative Decree 173/98). It represents one of the major public information system in the country, and through the proper and prompt payments of national and Community financial provisions, it annually provides agricultural enterprises more than 50% of their income, maximizing return flows from EU of national contribution.

By using the services provided by the SIAN, public functions like controls and community and national aid payments are carried out in the agriculture field, (over € 6 billion/year managed by Agea and others regional paying agencies to about 1.5 million farmers), in the fishing division, especially on the European Fisheries Fund, in the horseracing division, in managing the SIM (information system of the mountain), the Corpo Forestale dello Stato (State Forestry Corps) information system, the Ispettorato Centrale Repressione Frode (Fraud Repression Central Inspectorate) protecting the quality and preventing the fraud of food products and, in wider terms, in managing administrative requirements of MIPAF departments, as well as the interoperability of information services with other Public Administrations (MEF, INPS, etc.), the Regions  and other authorized and supervised institutions of the area.

In addition to the activities and services provided since early 80 ‘s to MIPAAF and AGEA, of which Green Aus S.p.A. is still a strategic outsourcer, other most qualified experiences include:

  • the implementation and management for over seven years of the new information system of the Department of Education (MIUR – Department of Education, Universities and Research);
  • the management for six years of the information system of the Department of Transportation – Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency;
  • the ERP management of Sogei (a in-house company of ICT Department of Treasure);
  • the management of Sogei’s Business Intelligence system, focused on control for possible fraud in gambling and bets, the implementation of an ERP system for social security institutions, Enpam and Inarcassa, and the implementation of an information system for their real estate’s management.


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