(ITA) Formazione finanziata Green Aus


GreenAus Training for Dematerialization of Document Management” and “ICT GreenAus: Information Technology Application“: two projects funded by the European Union within the Operational Program of Lazio European Social Fund, Programme 2014-2020, Axis 3 – Education and Training – Investment priorities 10iv – Specific objective 10.4 – approved with DD no. G05209 of 20/04/2017 for € 29,568.00 and € 26,400.00, respectively.

The specific objective of the first project is to retrain older employees in order to keep them into the labour market and into the company.

The strength of both ventures is their focus on:

  • highly specific technical and IT themes;
  • soft skills such as communication and leadership.

Both the projects are aimed to the optimization of business services to be offered on the market and an effective organizational and technical answer within the company.

The desired outcome at the end of each project is the optimization of IT and technical solutions and a competitive repositioning of the company.

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